Smart Save
Smart Save is a set of Zelix KlassMaster technologies that simplify the handling of
If a class file is opened from a JAR1 file it is saved to a corresponding JAR file.
Also, all the non-class files, such as image and property files, are copied across to the new JAR file and their paths are
automatically adjusted to reflect any obfuscated package names. This ensures that methods that access the resource files
using relative paths will not be broken by package name obfuscation.
Also, Smart Save automatically
- adjusts attributes in JAR manifest files to reflect obfuscated class names,
- adjusts service provider files names and contents to reflect obfuscated class names,
- adjusts EJB deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml) files to reflect obfuscated class and some field names.
- adjusts Spring, Hibernate, Google Android and other XML files to reflect obfuscated class names.
- handles nested archive files.
1 ZIP, WAR and EAR files are also supported.