An example using every statement and parameter with color coding
/* Sample ZKM Script using every statement and parameter */
classpath ".;c:\jdk1.8.0\jre\lib\rt.jar";
ignoreMissingReferences pack9.Class9 *(*); //ignore missing methods in pack9.Class9
//must precede the open statement
open openNestedArchives=true //open nested archives. This is the default.
"c:\directory1\Class1.class" //load a specific class
"c:\directory1\" //load all classes in a zip file
"c:\directory1\MyJar.jar" //load all classes in a jar file
"c:\directory2" //load all classes in a specific directory
"c:\directory3\*"; //load all classes in a directory and its subdirectories
trimExclude pack1.Class1^ public static main(java.lang.String[]) and
pack2.*.* public *(*);
trimUnexclude pack2.pack3.* public method(*); //Don't exclude public methods in pack2.pack3
trim deleteSourceFileAttributes=false //could be omitted. Default is false
deleteDeprecatedAttributes=true //could be omitted. Default is true
deleteAnnotationsAttributes=false //could be omitted. Default is false
deleteExceptionAttributes=false //could be omitted. Default is false
deleteUnknownAttributes=false; //could be omitted. Default is false
removeMethodCallsInclude java.lang.System print*(*); //Remove System print calls
//Don't remove printStackTrace calls
removeMethodCallsExclude java.lang.System printStackTrace(*);
removeMethodCalls java.lang.System printStackTrace(*); //Remove the specified method calls
//Remove effect of preceding removeMethodCallsInclude & removeMethodCallsExclude
exclude p*2.* and
p*.C*1 and
*.Class2 implements pack3.Class3, pack4.Class4 and
@pack2.MyAnnotation *.* @pack2.MyAnnotation *(@*.* int, *) and
public abstract *.* private transient java.lang.String f* and
*.* extends pack2.Class2 public native m*(*) and
*.<link>_Skel implements pack3.Class3 search pack4, pack4.p*5;
unexclude pack2.Class4; //Don't exclude pack2.Class4
pack2.Class2 method1() and //Don't flow obfuscate method1() in Class2
pack1.* *(*) and //Don't flow obfuscate any method in package pack1
pack1.*; //Don't flow obfuscate methods or add special members to pack1 classes
obfuscateFlowUnexclude pack1.Class0 foo(int); //Unexclude method "foo(int)" in pack1.Class0
pack2.Class2 method1() and //Don't exception obfuscate method1() in Class2
pack1.* *(*) and //Don't exception obfuscate any method in package pack1
pack1.*; //Don't exception obfuscate methods or add special members to pack1 classes
obfuscateExceptionsUnexclude *.* foo(int); //Unexclude all methods "foo(int)"
stringEncryptionExclude pack2.Class2 and //Don't string encrypt any String literals in Class2
*.* public *; //Don't string encrypt the value of any public field
stringEncryptionUnexclude pack2.Class2 foo; //Unexclude field "foo" in pack2.Class2
integerEncryptionExclude pack2.Class2 and //Don't encrypt any integer constants in Class2
*.* public *; //Don't integer encrypt the value of any public field
integerEncryptionUnexclude pack2.Class2 foo; //Unexclude field "foo" in pack2.Class2
longEncryptionExclude pack2.Class2 and //Don't encrypt any long constants in Class2
*.* public *; //Don't long encrypt the value of any public field
longEncryptionUnexclude pack2.Class2 foo; //Unexclude field "foo" in pack2.Class2
//Changes to pack2.Class2 must be Serialization compatible
existingSerializedClasses pack2.Class2;
fixedClasses pack2.Class2; //Insulates pack2.Class2 from any obfuscation
groupings {pack1.* and pack2.*} //1st grouping contains pack1 and pack2 classes
{pack3.* and pack4.*}; //2nd grouping contains pack3 and pack4 classes
//Asserts that ClassA always initialized before ClassB
classInitializationOrder pack3.ClassA > pack3.ClassB;
//All methods in pack1.Class2 named "foo" accessed by Reflection
accessedByReflection pack1.Class2 foo(*);
accessedByReflectionExclude pack1.Class2 foo(int[]); //foo(int[]) NOT accessed by Reflection
//Obfuscate all references to a java.lang.System method contained in class "pack0.Class0"
obfuscateReferencesInclude containedIn{pack0.Class0 *(*)} java.lang.System *(*);
//Exclude references to any method named "println" in java.lang.System that
//are contained in class "pack0.Class0"
obfuscateReferencesExclude containedIn{pack0.Class0 *(*)} java.lang.System println(*);
//All methods in pack1.Class3 named "bar"
methodParameterChangesInclude pack1.Class3 bar(*);
methodParameterChangesExclude pack1.Class3 bar(int[]); //Exclude bar(int[])
//All methods in pack1.Class3 named "bar"
methodParameterObfuscationInclude pack1.Class3 bar(*);
methodParameterObfuscationExclude pack1.Class3 bar(int[]); //Exclude bar(int[])
obfuscate changeLogFileIn="ChangeLogIn.txt" //omit parameter if no input change log
changeLogFileOut="ChangeLog.txt" //could be omitted. Default is ChangeLog.txt
aggressiveMethodRenaming=false //could be omitted. Default is false
keepInnerClassInfo=false //could be omitted. Default is false
keepGenericsInfo=true //could be omitted. Default is true
obfuscateFlow=light //could be omitted. Default is light
encryptStringLiterals=enhanced //could be omitted. Default is enhanced
encryptIntegerConstants=aggressive //Default is none
encryptLongConstants=normal //Default is none
exceptionObfuscation=light //could be omitted. Default is light
autoReflectionHandling=normal //Default is none for backwards compatibility
autoReflectionPackage="pack0" //Put autoReflection lookup class into package "pack0"
autoReflectionHash="SHA-512" //Use SHA-512 hash in autoReflection lookup class
collapsePackagesWithDefault="xyz" //Default is to not collapse packages
obfuscateReferences=normal; //Obsfuscate references
obfuscateReferenceStructures=inSpecialClass //Default is to use a special class
obfuscateReferencesPackage="pack0" //Put special lookup class into package "pack0"
lineNumbers=delete //could be omitted. Default is delete
localVariables=delete //could be omitted. Default is delete
methodParameters=keepVisible //could be omitted. Default is keepVisible
mixedCaseClassNames=ifInArchive //could be omitted. Default is ifInArchive
newNameCharacters=ASCII //could be omitted. Default is ASCII
newNamesPrefix="Z" //Prefix all newly generated names with "Z"
randomize=false //could be omitted. Default is false
uniqueClassNames=false //could be omitted. Default is false
uniqueMethodNames=false //could be omitted. Default is false
newPackageNameFile="obfuscatedPackageNames.txt" //List of obfuscated package names
newClassNameFile="obfuscatedClassNames.txt" //List of obfuscated class names
newFieldNameFile="obfuscatedFieldNames.txt" //List of obfuscated field names
newMethodNameFile="obfuscatedMethodNames.txt" //List of obfuscated method names
allowMethodParameterChanges=false //Deprecated - Use methodParameterChanges instead.
methodParameterChanges=none //could be omitted. Default is none
methodParameterChangesPackage="pack0" //Put lookup class into package "pack0"
obfuscateParameters=none //could be omitted. Default is none
makeClassesPublic=false //could be omitted. Default is false
allClassesOpened=true //could be omitted. Default is true
deriveGroupingsFromInputChangeLog=false //could be omitted. Default is false
keepBalancedLocks=false //could be omitted. Default is false
preverify=true //could be omitted. Default is true
assumeRuntimeVersion="8" //Default derived from lowest opened class version
legalIdentifiers=true //Deprecated
hideFieldNames=false //Deprecated
hideStaticMethodNames=false; //Deprecated
resetTrimExclusions; //remove the effect of any preceding trimExclude statement
resetExclusions; //remove the effect of any preceding exclude statement
resetObfuscateFlowExclusions; //remove effect of any preceding obfuscateFlowExclude statement
//remove effect of any preceding obfuscateExceptionsExclude statement
resetStringEncryptionExclusions; //remove effect of any preceding stringEncryptionExclude
resetIntegerEncryptionExclusions; //remove effect of any preceding integerEncryptionExclude
resetLongEncryptionExclusions; //remove effect of any preceding longEncryptionExclude
resetExistingSerializedClasses; //remove effect of any preceding existingSerializedClasses
resetFixedClasses; //remove effect of any preceding fixedClasses
resetGroupings; //remove effect of any preceding groupings
resetClassInitializationOrder; //remove effect of any preceding classInitializationOrder
//remove effect of any preceding accessedByReflection and accessedByReflectionExclude
//remove effect of any preceding obfuscateReferencesInclude and obfuscateReferencesExclude
resetIgnoreMissingReferences; //remove effect of any preceding ignoreMissingReferences
//remove effect of any preceding methodParameterChangeInclude or methodParameterChangeExclude
//remove effect of any preceding methodParameterObfuscationInclude
//or methodParameterObfuscationExclude
exclude *. and //exclude all packages
*.* and //exclude all classes
*.* * and //exclude all fields
*.* *(*); //exclude all methods
gc 500; //500 could have been omitted. 500ms sleep is the default.
print "About to obfuscate a second time"; //prints to standard out and the log
obfuscate; //Using implicit defaults
execute "deltree /Y c:\Temp"; //executes a simple OS command
saveAll archiveCompression=asIs